Vision: The vision of CESTRD established at Jaypee University of Information Technology (JUIT) is to focus on the development of rural personnel and to benefit the people of all age groups irrespective of gender, race and financial category in Himachal Pradesh (H.P). The aim of the centre is to impart awareness about the recent sustainable technologies and Government aided scheme available for their convenient livelihood in H.P. The CESTRD will focus on transfer of technologies to the rural people through their scientific taskforce and spread agricultural and environmental awareness. CESTRD is also determined to train the rural youth about use of upcoming technologies for skill development and to upgrade their acquaintance about self employment and entrepreneurship. The centre will target the rural youth, women groups and rural development committees through continuous consultancy, training and workshop sessions.
Mission: The mission of CESTRD is the uplift the lifestyle and living status of rural people through intervention of JUIT scientists. The sustainable technologies in the area of renewable energy (Solar energy, Hydro-wind energy), landscape designing, crop harvest technologies, Biogas production, Biofertilizers, plastic waste management and economic activities such as approach to market and government bodies for financial assistance will be made easily understandable for rural people.
The CESTRD is mandated to: